Practicing at-
Gynecology Gastro Liver and Laparoscopic Surgery Centre , Delhi
At doctoriduniya, you can access a list of best Gastro Surgeon, book online appointment and consult with them. In any medical emergency feel free to visit
You are recommended to visit a gastro surgeon or gastroenterologist on experiencing unusual changes in bowel movement, abdominal pain, constipation, ulcer, skin, eye color, appetite, blood in stool, concentration etc.
Some of the most common symptoms include dark urine, pale-colored stool, leakage, acidity, heart burn, abdominal pain, bloating, excessive gas, esophageal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, yellowish skin and eye, itchy skin, bad breath, blemishes, red palms etc.
Some of the top causes of liver diseases include alcohol consumption, tobacco consumption, weak immune system, exposure to toxins, obesity, infected vaccines, and old age. Patients with diabetes, hepatitis B or C, hemochromatosis and Wilson’s disease are also vulnerable to develop liver diseases.
The common gastric tests include fecal occult blood test, stool culture, imaging tests, barium beefsteak meal, colorectal transit study, computed tomography scan (ct or cat scan), defecography, lower gi (gastrointestinal), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), mrcp, radioisotope gastric-emptying scan, ultrasound, upper gi (gastrointestinal) series, anorectal manometry, gastric manometry, esophageal manometry etc.
Some of the common causes of stomach ulcer include bacterial infection, heavy alcohol consumption, smoking, psychological stress, clinical depression etc.