Trinity Heart Care Centre is dedicated cardiac care center located at Dayanand Marg, Thornhill Road in Allahabad, India, known as a specialized cardiac care centre with a strong presence in eastern Uttar Pradesh. The centre is highly dedicated to offering standard cardiac treatment to its people. Centre is specialized in providing preventive and therapeutic treatment with world class emergency and diagnostic services. Dr. Sandeep Misra (Cardiologist, MD, D.Card) visits the center with full dedication and determination and provides affordable treatment. The center is equipped with latest technological equipments that provide advance level of care. The centre provides it services round the clock. Centre is specialized in treating problems like heart attack, cardiac arrest; hear blocks, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, angina pain, heart failure, rheumatic heart disease, congestive heart failure, congenital heart disease, peripheral artery disease, pericarditis, pulmonary hypertension, etc. The wide range of services it offers are- Cardiac Catheterization, Peripheral Angiography, Stroke, Cardiac Ablation, Cardiovascular Disease, Heart Condition, Acute Aortic Dissection, New Born Care, Thyroid Disease in Children, Pediatric Care, Diabetes in Children, Congenital Diseases, Infant & Child nutrition, etc.