Dr Kuldeep Singh is Pediatricians in Gorakhpur. He is an MBBS and MD (Pedia). He practices at Maa Gayatri Hospital located at Reti Chawk in Gorakhpur. He treats infants, sick babies and children with pediatric diseases. He is available at the hospital from Monday to Saturday, timing: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The pediatric conditions he treats are a child suffering from crying, colic, sleeping problems, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, coughs, colds, wheezing, asthma, allergies, rashes, eczema, urinary tract infections, bed wetting, poor weight gain, fits, migraines etc. You can book an online appointment with Dr Kuldeep Singh, top Child Specialist in Gorakhpur at Doctoriduniya.com.
Ghosh Company Road Reti Chowk, Gorakhpur 273001
In front of MMM Technical University