- I recommeded the Doctor.
Would highly recommend to anybody. A great team of experts.
Dr Dewesh Gupta is a renowned Dermatologist (Skin Specialist) in Gorakhpur. He practices at his clinic, Devshi clinic located at Medical Road, Rapti Nagar in Gorakhpur. He is MBBS and DVD (Derma) and has many years of experience. He is available at the clinic from Monday to Sunday except Thursday, timing: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. He is specialized in diagnosing, managing and treating chronic and severe skin conditions. Some of the common skin diseases he treats are a skin infection, allergy, psoriasis, eczema, wart removal, acne, leprosy, hair loss, hair thinning, vitiligo, ringworm, etc. He keeps a good hand in laser treatment. You can book an online appointment with Dr Dewesh Gupta, best Dermatologist (Skin Specialist) in Gorakhpur at Doctoriduniya.com.
Medical College Road, In Front of ITI College, Rapati Nagar Phase 4, Gorakhpur
Would highly recommend to anybody. A great team of experts.
I had a very positive experience with my doctor.
I m really complete satisfaction from her treatment..there not any forgery or extra demand and she also given me personal yoga treatment for my best eye view..thanku for the doctor..!! one word fantastic..!!
the staff was very friendly and helpful.the staff was very friendly and helpful.