Profile of Dr. Deena Nath Jha
Dr. Deena Nath Jha is a best General Physician in Kushinagar. He has done MBBS, MD and possesses high quality knowledge and skill. He has been practicing from many years at Deendayal Hospital located at NH 28, Bahadurpur Link Road, Sabya, Kasia Bazar, Kushinagar. He is capable of handling minor to chronic diseases. He deals with problems related to organs such as stomach, esophagus, colon, liver, pancreas, neck, etc. He is specialized in treating a wide range of general diseases such as fever, flu, cold, diabetes, high blood pressure, gut problem, infection, allergy, hormonal disorder, metabolic disorder, dengue, obesity treatment, weakness, etc. Book an online appointment with Dr. Deena Nath Jha, top General Physician in Gorakhpur at
HealthFeed for Dr. Deena Nath Jha
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Common questions & answers for Dr. Deena Nath Jha
Q: What is the Dr. Deena Nath Jha degree and specialization?
Ans: Dr. Deena Nath Jha's degree is MBBS, MD and specialization is general-medicine
Q: What are the services provided by Dr. Deena Nath Jha?
Ans: Dr. Deena Nath Jha provides major services to patients are abdomen pain treatment, chikangunya virus treatment, chikenpox treatment, cold treatment, concentration problems treatment, etc.
Q: What is the name of the center where does Dr. Deena Nath Jha practice?
Ans: Dr. Deena Nath Jha, General Physician practices at Deendayal Hospital located at Kasia, Kushinagar
Q: What are the patient’s opinions about Dr. Deena Nath Jha?
Ans: According to the patient’s opinion Dr. Deena Nath Jha, is the best General Physician in Kushinagar. One can view patient's feedback at DoctoriDuniya website.