Dr. Anup Sunil Tamhankar, MBBS, MS, MCh is one of the best Oncologist in Pune. He has 14 years of experience. He has been practicing at Novo Life Cancer Clinic located on 1st Floor, Shubha Apartment, Erandwane, Landmark: Opposite Mehandale Garage & DM Hospital in Pune. He is available at the hospital from Monday to Saturday timing 06:00 AM to 8:00 PM. His surgical procedures include fast recovery and shorter hospital stays. He deals with all surgical problems related to organs such as the stomach, esophagus, colon, liver, pancreas, neck, soft tissues, etc. The top surgeries performed by him are related to appendicitis, hernia, abscess, thyroid, hemorrhoid, hydrocele, cyst, piles, gallbladder, tumors, etc. Dr. Anup Tamhankar has been honored with many awards and recognition's throughout his long illustrious career and has been involved in actively creating & conducted a cadaver liver surgery & organ retrieval workshop in IHPBA, Indian chapter, Mumbai, 2014. He specializes in the field of Peritonectomy & hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). He has also been a visiting fellow to Peritoneal Malignancy Center, Basingstoke, UK for advanced training in HIPEC.